An Indian man from Andhra Pradesh reportedly watched reality TV show Big Boss to stay awake during a brain surgery. Doctors at a private hospital in the state’s Guntur district conducted the rare and critical open-brain surgery, in which the patient had to be kept awake.
According to reports, as the doctors performed the surgery on the 33-year-old patient named Vara Prasad, he watched Bigg Boss and the 2009 Hollywood sci-fi movie Avatar.
While three surgeons removed a recurrent glioma (a type of tumor), the man enjoyed the show followed by the Hollywood sci-fi movie Avatar on a laptop.
While further details of the surgery are not specified, pictures of the operation were shared on social media channels, with many users wondering how this was possible.
However, in a similar incident, in January, Dagmar Turner, a professional violinist played her violin while undergoing a critical brain procedure.