Actor and model Mareeha Safdar recently became the runner-up of ARY’s reality show, Tamasha. The stunning model flew to Turkey to spend time with her then-partner Ulas Gokcek after spending 43 days in the Tamasha house.
She took to her Instagram stories to share her special moments with the man of her dreams.
Latest Development
As of November 2022, the duo has parted ways and even unfollowed each other on social media. The two have also deleted all their pictures together.
Safdar is now enthusiastic about becoming a mainstream name in Pakistani showbiz.
While Mareeha was in the Tamasha house, Gokcek shared photos from their engagement. Safdar was dressed elegantly in pistachio green whereas Ulas looked decent in a tuxedo.
The two often indulge in PDA-filled conversations on Instagram.
The Houseful 3 star recently interacted with him through a live chat on the reality show and introduced him to her co-contestants as her fiance.