In a bizarre turn of events, a man from Bajaur district was arrested by local police for making and spreading a fake Facebook post claiming his best friend had married a British woman.
Muhammad Gulab posted a fake picture of a woman, claiming that Ela from Britain had travelled to the Bajaur district to marry his best friend. When the viral post caught the attention of the police, they quickly dispatched a team to investigate the presence of an undocumented foreigner in the area.
However, the post was found to be fake and Gulab was arrested for spreading false information on social media.
News sources reported that local residents were enraged by the arrest and were protesting against it
This case comes to light after a string of foreign women from Chile, Mexico, India and China travelled to the province to marry the men they had met on social media. Recently, 49-year-old Rosa from Mexico travelled to Buner to marry 17-year-old Izaz Ali, after meeting him on Facebook.
READ MORE: Ye KP mein kya ho raha hai: Mexican woman flies to Pakistan to marry Facebook lover
Another case emerged when 36-year-old Nicole Ilgesias from Chile travelled to marry Ikramullah, whom she met on Tiktok.