Earlier this year actress and host Javeria Saud appeared on Nida Yasir’s morning show to celebrate her drama serial Nand‘s success. Javeria mentioned on the show that in the past people have resembled her a lot with the late Indian actress Madhubala of Mughal-e-Azam fame.
The Harjaaye diva added that she was later resembled to the Kuch Kuch Hota Hai superstar Rani Mukherji.
The Thori Khushi Thora Ghum actress also revealed that she worked with her Nand co-star Shehroze Sabzwari after 2 decades and that this was over twenty years that she did a project that is not produced by her.
The other cast member sitting with her, Minsa Malik mentioned that people relate her looks to that of Minal Khan.