PIA offers 14% ‘Azadi Offer Discount’ on all domestic flights on Independence Day

14 percent pia discount on ticket airfare

On the occasion of the 76th Independence Day, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has extended a generous gesture to its passengers by announcing a significant discount.

According to ARY News, the national carrier has declared a 14 per cent price reduction on all domestic flights, bringing forth a unique opportunity for citizens to travel within the country at a more affordable cost.

In an official statement released on Thursday via their Twitter handle, the PIA spokesperson elaborated on the offer, stating that travellers would be able to avail themselves of this limited-time promotion on August 14.


This special Independence Day discount is being offered as a token of appreciation to fellow compatriots for their unwavering support and patriotism.

“The discount is a gift from the national carrier to the compatriots for Independence Day,” the spokesperson affirmed, highlighting the airline’s dedication to celebrating the nation’s sovereignty.

As the nation prepares to commemorate the 76th Independence Day, citizens are set to rally around the ideals of the Pakistan Movement. This annual celebration, which falls on August 14, marks a pivotal moment in Pakistan’s history and provides an occasion for citizens to renew their commitment to building a robust Islamic welfare state.

With the PIA’s gracious discount offer, many citizens are expected to capitalise on the opportunity to explore the diverse landscapes and cultures that Pakistan has to offer, fostering a sense of unity and connectivity as the nation celebrates its journey towards progress and development.

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