Residents of Rawalpindi and Islamabad have launched the “Fruit Boycott Campaign” due to the increasing prices of fruits throughout the country. The campaign, initiated through social media by concerned citizens, appealed to the public to protest against the inflated prices of fruits.
Citizens alleged that the inflation of fruits was due to the government officials’ failure to control profiteers and hoarders, and accused officials of having an underhand deal with them to loot the public.
The campaign aimed at boycotting the purchase of fruits for two days initially, but citizens from all cities participated actively in making the campaign successful.
According to The News, the campaign was successful, with a significant number of people participating and refusing to buy fruits for four days.
However, the district administrations of Islamabad and Rawalpindi did not intervene in the situation, despite citizens submitting several complaints about the price hike.
Sources claimed that profiteers and hoarders had hoarded all kinds of fruits to reap extra profits.