In the month that has passed since Israel declared war on Gaza following the Hamas attacks in Israel on October 7, almost 9,800 Palestinians have been killed.

200 people in Gaza killed in a night

Palestinian Health Ministry revealed that last night’s Israeli air raids killed more than 200 people.


Palestinian activist Saleh al-Jafarawi shared a video from one of the areas attacked by Israel.

450 Hamas positions targeted, Israel claims

Since October 7, Israel has claimed to have hit about 450 Hamas targets which include fighters, military compounds, observation posts, antitank missile launch posts and tunnels.

According to Al Jazeera, the army has also claimed to have tracked down an opening to Hamas’s tunnels close to the Sheikh Hamad Hospital in Gaza.

And while schools and hospitals have been targeted by Israel on assertion that Hamas is using these facilities and civilian infrastructure as a means to defend its underground operations, Hamas has, time and again, denied the claims.

Thousands of civilian casualties have resulted in the attacks on UN-run facilities, refugee camps, schools, mosques and churches, resulting in the killing of civilians.

Joint statement by humanitarian organisations

The heads of 18 humanitarian organisations, including the UN, have issued a rare joint statement calling for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” in Israel and Palestine.

“Enough is enough,” the statement said. “This must stop now.”

The letter signed by the heads of the 18 organisations is known by Inter-Agency Standing Committee.

175 medical staff killed since October 7

Palestinian Health Minister Mai al-Kaila has reported that since October 7, 175 medical personnel and 34 civil defence workers have been killed in the Gaza Strip.

Additionally, 16 out of 36 hospitals and 51 out of 72 clinics are no longer in service after they have either been attacked by Israel or they are out of fuel and medicine to keep the centres running.

70 Palestinians arrested in occupied West Bank

At least 70 Palestinians have reportedly been arrested during raids in the occupied West Bank, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Commission and the Prisoner’s Society.

Since October 7, more than 2,000 people have been arrested including 49 women and 17 journalists.

Water facilities destroyed

The UN relief agency has revealed that seven water facilities in the Gaza Strip were “directly hit and sustained major damage” on Saturday and Sunday.

Credits: Al Jazeera