Meta’s messaging application, WhatsApp, is reportedly gearing up to introduce animated avatars for video calls. This anticipated feature, reminiscent of Apple’s Memoji, has been in development since the previous year.
According to WABetaInfo, an independent source for real-time WhatsApp updates, the Messenger app has now unveiled the capability to use animated avatars during video calls in its latest Android beta version
WhatsApp is actively informing its users about this innovation through a pop-up notification. This notification provides the option to “utilise your avatar during calls,” offering the choice to either “switch to avatar” or defer the decision with a “not now” button.
To employ this new video call avatar feature, users must select the “Switch to avatar” option. This function will replicate their facial movements and expressions in real-time through the use of an avatar character. Importantly, users retain the flexibility to disable this feature at any time through the settings, allowing them to reveal their true selves. Crucially, the introduction of the avatar feature will not compromise WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption, ensuring the preservation of user safety and privacy.
It’s worth noting that some data usage will be necessary to enhance the Avatar experience on the app. Additionally, WhatsApp is actively developing avatars for status updates, although there is no official information regarding their release at this time.