Veteran actor, director and writer Saife Hassan was invited as a guest on ‘Mazaq Raat’ hosted by Imran Ashraf.
During the show, Saife Hassan talked about threatening to harm himself if his parents didn’t allow him to marry his girlfriend. But it was just a bluff, and the pair have been married for thirty years now.

He said, “I was only 18 when I fell deeply in love with a girl my age, and I was determined to marry her. Although my family was supportive, her parents were opposed to our union due to my youth and lack of financial stability. In my desperation, I told my parents that if I couldn’t be with the girl I loved, I would take my own life. It was a reckless statement, but I was willing to do anything to be with her.”

While we agree with doing everything to convince your parents about marrying the girl of your choice, threatening them with suicide is a route we don’t recommend.