Yami Gautam on Friday tied the knot with Indian director Aditya Dhar. Yami made the announcement on social media by sharing a picture from her wedding day with a note. Aditya directed Yami in his 2019’s Blockbuster film, URI: The Surgical Strike.
She started by sharing a quote from Rumi: “In your light, I learn to love.”
“With the blessings of our family, we have tied the knot in an intimate wedding ceremony today,” she added.
“Being very private people, we celebrated this joyous occasion with our immediate family.’
She continued, “As we embark on the journey of love and friendship, we seek all your blessings and good wishes.”
In February, another Bollywood actress, Dia Mirza also tied the knot with Mumbai-based businessman Vaibhav Rekhi in an intimate ceremony. The wedding ceremony took place at Mirza’s residence in Bandra, Mumbai.