Designer Zara Shahjahan landed in a social media storm on Friday when her tweet about a recent survey that ranked Pakistani passport as the fourth worst in the world, went viral.

Her take divided social media with most agreeing with her, while others saying she was unaware of the privilege and wealth she had, easing most travel hurdles

She had written:


“This shows nothing. I’ve travelled he world with my Pakistani passport and would never give it up for any other. This is a lie.”

Some people agreed with the fashion designer, saying that they never had a problem in travelling abroad with the Pakistani passport.

While others called her out for what they said was an elitist take, sharing their own experiences of difficulty in getting visas.

One user wrote: “I got my visa after a whole damn year to come to Australia. I applied in 2015 and made it there in 2017. The problem was, that I had a full scholarship and not a lot of my own funds to show. See, if you’ve got a lot of $$$ in the bank, visas can come as easy as this stupid take.”