Gaming has become the world’s largest entertainment industry, with global revenues of $170 billion in 2020. Yes, that’s billion, not million, and the industry is now almost three times bigger than both music and movies combined. So, it’s no surprise that game developers have become some of the most sought-after talent in the technology sector, and this holds true in Pakistan just as much as anywhere in the world. About 50 per cent of the world’s mobile games are made in Unity, so studios are scrambling to hire talented developers and artists who can join their team and perform at the highest level.

If you don’t believe us, listen to the CEOs of Pakistan’s top gaming studios who talk about the challenge to find quality game development talent for their companies:

The search for talent is on, and GameTrain is a Pakistani game development accelerator that is helping young computer science grads get on a fast track into the sector. They’ve partnered with the Foundation for Youth Employment Pakistan, a non-profit that specialises in creating employment bootcamps for different high demand industries.


Hear the CEO of GameTrain talk about the exciting pathway for CS talent to get employed into the gaming industry:

But we’re saving the most interesting reason for last: GameTrain and FYEP have brought Unity Technologies themselves onboard to sponsor a certified Jnr Unity Game Developer Program for 120 lucky new entrants! This is the first instructor led Unity Certified program in the world, and it is happening right here in Pakistan. Not only that, but employers have come on board to offer scholarships for the talent they aim to hire from this program, so each learner has to pay absolutely nothing for the entire training and just focus on investing their time and energy to build up their Unity development skills to the next level.

Hear what Unity’s own Program Manager for Inclusive Economic Opportunities has to say about the program:

If you’re a college graduate with any programming background, this is the career for you. Get on the fast track with this 12-week bootcamp and join the industry when you graduate. Don’t just play, change the game. Seats are limited, so click on the link below to apply now!