Education Minister Rana Tanveer Hussain took to the floor of the house in the National Assembly (NA) yesterday and passed disparaging remarks in a speech directed at former Prime Minister Imran Khan.
Talking about how police had forcefully entered the hotel room in which Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz was staying during Imran Khan’s tenure to arrest her husband, Captain (retd) Safdar, Tanveer said, “Wasn’t our daughter Maryam alone in the hotel when the doors of her room were broken? Why are there different standards for your [Imran Khan] wife [Bushra Bibi], did she not elope with you? This is far bigger family than you.”
Meanwhile, Defence Minister Khawaja Asif can be seen in a video banging the desk and laughing on Tanveer’s comment.
“You [Imran Khan] are the son of a corrupt man. I remember there was a wedding I [Rana Tanveer] attended and his [Imran Khan] father was there too. Imran Khan was sitting there too. A person asked his father if he was his son? Khan’s father replied that kehnay ko tu mera baita par hai haramda [Yes he is my son but he is illegitimate]. These were his [Khan’s father’s] words.”
Twitter rebuked Tanveer and schooled the education minister, saying that he should give up his position in the government with due respect for passing such remarks.