The police on Tuesday found a bag containing an explosive device in Gorakhpur near Adiala jail, where the hearing of the cipher case against former Prime Minister Imran Khan is scheduled for today.
According to police, the bomb disposal squad also confirmed that the bag had explosive material.
“The suspicious bag was packed with high-grade explosives of 1,500 grams,” the bomb disposal squad said.
The explosive device was defused by the Bomb Disposal Squad (BDS) experts. Senior police officers of Rawalpindi police were present at the spot.
The bag with explosives material was found one kilometre away from Adiala jail, where Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan is imprisoned.
The incident came to light during a period when the country is facing terrorist threats from both internal and external extremist organisations, including the proscribed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).
According to the report of Centre for Research and Security Studies (CRSS), at least 386 security officials lost their lives in first nine months of 2023.