Man accidentally throws Rs3,139,500 in trash bin


A businessman in  Greece accidentally threw a bag containing 19,000 Euros (RsRs 3,139,500) in a dustbin after mistaking it for garbage.

As per reports, a businessman from the Greek Island of Limos was carrying cash in a bag and a garbage bag on Monday. On his way to his office, the man dumped both the bags into the dustbin. After reaching his shop, he realised that he had mistakenly dumped the bag with the cash as well.

The businessman told the local media that after realising his mistake, he ran to the area where he had dumped the bags but the garbage bags were missing.


“I panicked and stopped the cops and told the officers about the money and how I threw it accidentally into a dustbin,” said the businessman.

The police officers along with him located the garbage truck and caught up with the vehicle at the island harbour before it could dump the contents for burning.

The businessman told the local media that he, along with three officers, reached the rake and started searching through all the trash. After a few minutes of searching, they found the first garbage bag but the bag filled with money was still missing.

According to reports, the man and the police officers on finding the first bag were hopeful that they would locate the one with money too. The businessman and the cops searched each garbage bag in the dump and finally found the bag with the euros after searching for almost an hour.

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