Resham, a renowned actress in the entertainment world has always managed to win her audience with talent on both the big screen and television. She’s also known for her open opinions and unwavering support for her friends.
Recently Resham appeared on Ambreen Fatima Youtube channel where the host, Ambreen asked, “ Resham, tell us about the viral video of Rahat Fateh Ali Khan where he was seen hitting his employee. Many people spoke out against him. When you defended him and spoke positively about him, you faced criticism. What do you have to say about that?”
Resham replied, “Even if I face criticism 100 times, I don’t care. I know Rahat Fateh Ali Khan very closely and I can confidently say that his family is exceptional and deeply committed to charity. I recall how Rahat once generously covered the wedding expenses for a young girl. He’s a global icon, not just a Pakistani star. When someone of his stature apologises, we should learn to forgive.”
Rahat Fateh Ali faced severe criticism after a video of his went viral, where he was seeing beating up a member of his staff.