Shah Rukh Khan is fresh off another professional high as his film ‘Jawan’ gets rave reviews from audiences and film critics alike. However, the actor was once again targeted by social media for sending birthday wish to the prime minister of India, Narendra Modi. Many felt the message was a complete departure from the actor’s image as a driving force against extremism. Others felt that the actor was mocking the PM in a subtle manner.
“Happy Birthday to Hon. PM Shri @narendramodi ji!!! Have a healthy and joyful day. May u get some time off from work and have a bit of fun too. Best wishes.”
Happy Birthday to Hon. PM Shri @narendramodi ji!!! Have a healthy and joyful day. May u get some time off from work and have a bit of fun too. Best wishes.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 17, 2023
The Bollywood Badshah was slammed for still supporting the PM, whose controversial regime is mirred with extremism, rising Islamophobia, and for jailing the superstar’s son Aryan Khan in 2021 on misled charges, cleared in May 2022.
“With great success comes great responsibility,yet nobody is cancelling srk for a political stance.We are easily riled up against our artists,” wrote a user.
With great success comes great responsibility,yet nobody is cancelling srk for a political stance.We are easily riled up against our artists.
— qirmezi (@qirmeziO) September 17, 2023
How hard life must be when you wish a fascist leader birthday. Phr log kehte hai hum kabhi nazi na hote hum Hitler ki game plan samhj jate
— Maryam Jameela (@maryumjameela) September 18, 2023
Many were critical of how the ‘Pathaan’ actor has remained silent about the ongoing persecution of Muslims in India.
The richest actor who didn't have anything to say about Hijab wearing girls denied entry into schools in Karnataka or the violence in Nuh, posting happy birthday tweet for the PM laced with "sarcasm" that only his fans can see is not doing any "silent rebellion".
— Siddarth K.M. (சித்தார்த் கோ.மு.) (@Sidzepp) September 17, 2023
But for others, many interpreted the actor advising Modi to “ake time off work” as a sarcastic dig implying that he is too old for the position any longer..
Same energy
— Jasir Shahbaz (@LahoreMarquez) September 17, 2023
" may you get some time off from work but have a bit of fun too."
— marianne ماریان (@pahaaadan) September 17, 2023
— MHK (@SRKzHunter) September 17, 2023
Is King Khan subtly telling Modi to retire completely or actually sending a compliment? We’re not sure either but we’re hoping its the latter!