Rasool Pur is a village, located in the Rajanpur district of Punjab. This amazing village not only has 100% literacy rate, but it also has zero percent crime rate.
According to a report of Samaa News, Rasool Pur was established as a village in 1933 when people migrated from Balochistan and made this place their home.
The villagers not only know how to read and write, but most of them have finished their high school education.
There are two high schools in Rasool Pur, one for girls and one is for boys.
It is one of the most peaceful places to live in Pakistan. The crime rate in the village is zero percent.
One of the things that you will notice in Rasool Pur is the cleanliness. Although the village has limited resources, the villagers have made sure that their village does not have any garbage lying around. The sewerage system here is also well maintained.
They have their own department to cater the issues and development projects of their village.
Many of the women from this village are highly educated and working as doctors and engineers in different areas of Pakistan.
The locals of this village understand the value of education and know that it is much more than simply a means of earning more.