A Twitter thread went viral recently in which people shared their experiences of visiting Swedish homes and not being served food.

A question was posted on Reddit: “What is the weirdest thing you had to do at someone else’s house because of their culture/religion?”

One of the users replied, “I remember going to my Swedish friend’s house. And while we we were playing in his room, his mom yelled that dinner was ready. And check this. He told me to wait in his room while they ate.”


“I slept over a friends house. When we woke up, he said he was going downstairs for a few minutes. After about 15 minutes I go on the stairs to see wtf is happening and they are eating breakfast. They see me and tell me he has almost done and will be up there soon. I still think about it 25 years later,” another user replied.

People on social media are finding this tradition a little “weird”. Have a look at some of the reactions: